ZuriXI4G Internship

ZuriXI4G Internship

Hey guys!

I’m embarking on a new journey and I’m so excited to share it with you.

I decided last year to change my career path to tech and started training to become a software developer. After completing several training programs, I needed the opportunity to be able to showcase the new skills I had learned and become a professional. The Zuri team has given me and many other software developers like me such an opportunity.

I have started an 8-week virtual internship program which is offered by Zuri and I4G. The internship focuses on six tracks which are: Frontend, Backend, Mobile, UI/UX, Digital marketing, and DevOps. I will be joining the Frontend track. The Zuri team aims to provide a virtual work environment for us where we will be working on real-life projects, have access to experienced mentors, and have easy access to the best learning resources so that we can be well equipped for the real world.

By the end of the internship, I expect to be able to meet and work well with many people from all over Africa. Build projects that will have a lasting impact in the community, and sharpen my technical skills. I’m very excited and hoping that I will have a positive experience by the end of it. If you’d like to learn more about the internship program on; https://zuri.team or https://internship.zuri.team .

The following tutorials have helped me in my self-learning journey so far:

Git: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/learn-the-basics-of-git-in-under-10-minutes-da548267cc91/

Figma: https://trydesignlab.com/figma-101-course/introduction-to-figma/

HTML: https://www.coderepublics.com/HTML/html-tutorial.php

JavaScript/Nodejs: https://javascript.info/